Digital Golems - Capitalize your gaming experience by playable NFT and token mining

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What is Digital Golems?

Digital Golems is a decentralized gaming universe where anyone can earn crypto values by playing a game, competing with other players or just explore a fantastic world full of secrets and riddles.

We offer users a virtual world in which they can create, gain and monetize their gaming experience on the TON blockchain network using the platform's currency Digibytes

What is Digital Golems?




NFT token and interactive game characters with random characteristics on TON blockchain

Token (DBT)

Digibyte (DBT) is utility token of system and basis of the game's economy, mined as resources during gameplay.

Investor’s panel

Complete tasks on social networks to get free tokens and win DBT in daily roulette spins.

WEB Game

Earn real bonuses in DBT and NFT by exploring the world and extracting resources with other players.


Mine DBT token, buy and earn resources in your Telegram application.

Players-generated uniqueness

We offer users a virtual world in which they can create, gain and monetize their gaming experience on the TON blockchain network using the platform's currency Digibytes. Get unique assets and augmentations from the game and combine them to get unique and playeble NFT card.

+ Torsos

+ Heads

+ Arms

+ Legs

+ Thoracic limbs

+ Hind limbs/wings

+ Horns/antennae

+ Halos

+ Extra details

+ Masks

+ Armor elements

+ Backgrounds

Thousands of combinations guarantee 100% uniqueness of your Golem. You are buying a truly unique game object with its own characteristics!

We do not use purchased or template graphics

We do not use AI-generated images


Hand draw value

Every asset and character in the game is hand-drawn by professional artists.

Your NFT avatar is not just a picture, but literally a real pass into the game universe. It allows to discover unique world and gives the owner access to in-game goods and ability to mine the Digibyte token.

How to get Digital Golems


  • Ticker: DIG
  • Contract: TON
  • Total: TBA
  • Distribution: Pre-sale = 10%, In-game combining = 5%, Other (TBA) = 85%
  • Purchase methods: Activity in project community, Via request membership. All applications are considered on an individual basis


  • Ticker: DBT
  • Contract: TON
  • Total: TBA
  • Distribution: In-game Mining = 45%, Airdrops = 5%, Other (TBA) = 50%
  • Purchase Methods: Airdrop, Presale, Mining in game, Markets
Get Digital Golems NFT
Request membership in Whitelist

All applications are considered on an individual basis.

Other ways to get DIG NFT


As part of the bounty company, we will distribute free NFT for social activity.

Staking DBT

For a hold of coins equal to $5000 or more at the time of purchase, we give 1 NFT per month.

Rent NFT

Every member of the community can rent or lease a DIG NFT, so new players can get into the game.


One of the main types of obtaining DIG tokens is to create them using assets obtained in the game.

Internal Marketplace

In the next stages will be created marketplace where anyone can buy or sell their DIG NFT.

Secondary markets

All DIG NFTs will be available for speculation in the secondary markets.

Challenges in the game

We will publish game challenges on the official social channels, for passage of which players gets NFTs.


The game has a rating system in which users can receive real bonuses for TOP places.

Gain services

The game provides a scholarship system, where Gain-master can upgrade someone else's character for in-game currency.

Special conditions

As part of the marketing campaign, we will attract influencers and advisers with payment in DIG NFT.

More info in Whitepaper

Your DIG is BIG!



Each Golem is a unique multi-layered object



Log in to the game from both a computer and a mobile device

Full rights

Full rights

Each Golem owner has a license recorded in the blockchain

Handmade artwork

Handmade artwork

Every element of the assets was drawn by the painstaking artist

Avatar Abilities

Avatar Abilities

Each Golem is also an active element of the game with unique stats

Secondary markets

Secondary markets

NFT Golems are available for purchase and sale at third-party auctions

Digital property

Digital property

Game items can be tokenified and traded on the markets

Secure ownership

Secure ownership

Using of blockchain minimized risks of fraud with digital property



Players can use assets and game elements in other applications



Each NFT is created not only by using AI software, but players themselves



Digital Golems is an actively growing community of crypto enthusiasts



We follow our development roadmap by specific points by order of priority

Free-type economy

Free-type economy

The cost of services and goods in the world depends on the available supply

Decentralized world

Decentralized world

We create game world without centralization

Beta access

Beta access

All holders of NFT will be invited to the open beta testing of the game



Regular open and closed giveaways of free tokens to all DIG NFT holders



Only the owners of DIG NET can do stacking and make profit from it

Growing market

Growing market

The number of participants in the game is growing and will continue to grow rapidly

Financial relevance

Financial relevance

Players can receive income for their participation in the game

User support

User support

As gamers, we value the community feedback most of all

Earn DIG NFT in Game


The user receives NFT (through purchase or drawing) and enters the game using NFT as a key and as their Avatar


Buy the goods that are necessary to start the session in the game in the in-game store


During the session, they get additional goods (resources and items), as well as assets


From enough assets, a user in the laboratory can create a new Golem (the creation of a Golem is part of the NFT emission and is considered in their total balance)

Earn Digibytes DBT in Game

Claim ore
Process ore
Digibytes are an important part of the Digital Golems platform, and we are working to create key mechanisms that will make them inextricably linked to the platform and its value.

Manual mining

Excavation is the most effective tool for searching and extracting ore containing Digibytes.

Automatic mining

Automatic mining of Digibytes requires the installation of special devices - Mining rig - at the ore mining site.

Looting and chests

Find chests in random locations on the map or loot defeated NPCs

Soil cultivation

The seeds in certain soil let new vein of ore begins to grow in this place.

* You need at least 1 NFT to start mining Digibytes

Parity rating

We created 19 types of NFT's in 9 series of Golems (the uniqueness of each series will be clarified by the publication date). Some generations have subtypes that differ in additional details in Golem morphology or in the presence of additional equipment, or augmentations.

Features of the series

Depending on the series, each golem may have its own characteristics and special abilities.

The rarer the series, the higher the character's stats and the more special abilities available to the player.

0 series (Skelet)

Source of receipt: In game only


Before blackout, the oldest Golems models, only 100 of them can be found on map in the form of skeletons. Characterized by the skeletal appearance of golems.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 50
Movement Speed 50
Energy Consumption rate 50
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 50
Jump Height 150
Extra Resistance to Heat, Possibility of Passing Fire
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game only

0-2 + Burning eyes

Golems who saw something that changed their optical systems, endowing them with special abilities.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 50
Movement Speed 50
Energy Consumption rate 50
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 50
Jump Height 150
Extra Resistance to Heat, Possibility of Passing Fire, Sees the Mines of other users, Sees the Traps of other users
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

1st series (Humanoid)

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist


After the Signal and the first connections to the auto-workshops. Golems of the first series are most similar to humanoids, in some combinations they can include mechanical and robotic augmentations.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 100
Energy Consumption rate 100
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 100
Extra Resistance to Corrosion
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist

1-2 + Horns

A separate milestone for the development of a new generation of Golems in the physiology of which there are antennas on the head, which makes it easier to pass through electrical obstacles.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 100
Energy Consumption rate 100
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 100
Extra Resistance to Corrosion, Resistance to Electrical anomalies
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist

1-3 + Limbs on chest

A subspecies of a 1st generation that received an original mutation in the form of an additional pair of active limbs on the chest.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 100
Energy Consumption rate 100
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 100
Extra Resistance to Corrosion, Possibility of Passing Water
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist

1-4 + Burning eyes

Humanoid golems who saw something that changed their optical systems, endowing them with special abilities.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 100
Energy Consumption rate 100
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 100
Extra Resistance to Corrosion, Sees the Mines of other users, Sees the Traps of other users
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist

1-5 + Wings

A specific series of Golems based on models of golems from the New Generation with augmentation in the form of wings. The appearance of the wings deprives the Golem of the halo and, accordingly, the control of the earthly command.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 100
Energy Consumption rate 100
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 100
Extra Resistance to Corrosion, Ability to Passing Sand, Possibility of Passing Water
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist

1-6 + Giant arm

A series of humanoid Golems enhanced with a giant robotic arm to carry out specific tasks in the world of Nighterra.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 125
Energy Consumption rate 150
Radius of Trap 125
Radius of Snare 125
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 125
Extra Resistance to Corrosion, Ability to Passing Sand, Hacking of Structures
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

2nd series (Armored)

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist


In the second series, the humanoid machines of the golems are supplemented with armor, including shoulder pads, breastplates, and tactical belts.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 50
Energy Consumption rate 125
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 75
Jump Height 50
Extra Resistance to Corrosion, Resistance to Freasing
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist

2-2 + Masks

In addition to armor, the golems of this series wear special masks that improve their sensitive abilities.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 50
Energy Consumption rate 125
Radius of Trap 100
Radius of Snare 100
Size of Radar 75
Jump Height 50
Extra Resistance to Gas, Resistance to Corrosion, Resistance to Freasing
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

3rd series (Bestial)

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist


Golems of the new generation have an animal appearance, they was made after the start of the "Klondike" and the discovery of the Quantum Gel (the first absorptions of the fauna).
Flashlight Length on the landscape 75
Movement Speed 75
Energy Consumption rate 75
Radius of Trap 75
Radius of Snare 75
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 150
Extra Resistance to Freasing, Possibility of Passing Water
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist

3-2 + Wings

A specific series of Golems based on models of golems from the bestial Generation with augmentation in the form of wings. The appearance of the wings deprives the Golem of the halo and, accordingly, the control of the earthly command.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 75
Movement Speed 75
Energy Consumption rate 75
Radius of Trap 75
Radius of Snare 75
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 150
Extra Resistance to Electrical anomalies, Resistance to Freasing, Ability to Passing Sand, Possibility of Passing Water
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: In game + Whitelist

3-3 + Eyes

Mutation of the humanoid series of Golems that enhances Niterra's sensory perception.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 75
Movement Speed 75
Energy Consumption rate 75
Radius of Trap 75
Radius of Snare 75
Size of Radar 100
Jump Height 150
Extra Resistance to Freasing, Sees the Mines of other users, Sees the Traps of other users
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

4th series (Heavy)

Source of receipt: For media parnters only


A new golem form factor designed for deep reconnaissance expeditions and resistant to "bloom" manifestations.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 100
Movement Speed 75
Energy Consumption rate 75
Radius of Trap 125
Radius of Snare 125
Size of Radar 150
Jump Height 75
Extra Resistance to Gas, Resistance to Corrosion, Resistance to Electrical anomalies, Resistance to Freasing, Resistance to Heat
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

5th series (Mushroomed)

Source of receipt: In game only


A limited series of golems resulting from the absorption of alternative energy sources. These models are characterized by the visual transformation of golems into mushroom-shaped humanoid figures.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 75
Movement Speed 100
Energy Consumption rate 100
Radius of Trap 125
Radius of Snare 125
Size of Radar 125
Jump Height 75
Extra Resistance to Corrosion, Resistance to Electrical anomalies, Possibility of Passing Acid, Hacking of Structures
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Epic series (limited)

Source of receipt: Private list only


Golems infected with "bloom". The one of the rarest collection of Golems presented in full gold. Not available for crafting in the game, you can only get an Epic Golem through the whitelist.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 125
Movement Speed 125
Energy Consumption rate 125
Radius of Trap 125
Radius of Snare 125
Size of Radar 125
Jump Height 125
Extra Ability to Passing Sand, Possibility of Passing Water, Possibility of Passing Fire, Possibility of Passing Acid
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Source of receipt: Private list only

Epic-2 + Wings

Golems of the Epic generation without halo, which emphasizes their independence from outside control and with wings. They have the highest stats in the game, including the ability to complete the rarest and most difficult environments. Only available for purchase through whitelist.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 150
Movement Speed 150
Energy Consumption rate 150
Radius of Trap 150
Radius of Snare 150
Size of Radar 150
Jump Height 150
Extra Ability to Passing Sand, Possibility of Passing Water, Possibility of Passing Fire, Possibility of Passing Acid
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Elementals (limited)

Source of receipt: Private list only


Golems are only available for sale by Private list. One-time and in a limited number. They have unique playing characteristics.
Flashlight Length on the landscape 150
Movement Speed 150
Energy Consumption rate 150
Radius of Trap 150
Radius of Snare 150
Size of Radar 150
Jump Height 150
Extra Resistance to Gas, Resistance to Corrosion, Resistance to Electrical anomalies, Resistance to Freasing, Resistance to Heat, Ability to Passing Sand, Possibility of Passing Water, Possibility of Passing Fire, Possibility of Passing Acid, Sees the Mines of other users, Sees the Traps of other users, Hacking of Structures
* Exact specifications can be clarified after the game balance test

Authentic (limited)

Source of receipt: Private list only


Golems created in autofactories according to original blueprints without randomization of torso, head, limbs and details.
Depends on the series of specific authentication

* Cards from the New Generation are not only available for purchase, but also can be created from assets purchased or collected in game itself.

** An Image-card (NFT) is a character that user plays, consists of image file glued together from several layers, forming an image of a monster with different limbs. Each layer is an asset that players receive for capturing Psychospheres. The Image-card is conditionally placed in the "module" in which the player moves on landscape. There can be several Image-cards and each can have its own properties.

*** In each series, it is immediately indicated what number and type of certain elements are used in it. Given this data, you will be able to determine the uniqueness of the object. There are no items presented in less than 5.

**** Whatever your Golem is - it is a unique object with different characteristics that affect both the price and the possibilities in the game. Some Golems are rarer than others are, because they either are released in a private drop or are only available in the game.

***** A certain percent of Golems will not be put on sale. They will be distributed free of charge to community members for certain achievements in and out of the game.

Request membership

Distribution of Funds

Token distribution structure

Structure of distribution of raised funds

Structure of distribution of income from future activities

* information may be clarified or changed during the development process

Project launch stages

  • Community grow
  • DBT token Airdrop
  • Mint NFT
  • Listing to Сoingeco
  • Listing to Сoinmarketcap
  • DBT token presale
  • Listing to Dex
  • DBT token mining in game
  • Listing to Latoken

* information may be clarified or changed during the development process


We have a powerful product roadmap ahead and the best team to implement a clear vision for creating an original virtual world gaming platform where players can create own and monetize their gaming experience

  1. Season 1
    • Idea evaluation
    • Study
    • Attraction of advisers
    • Planning
    • Building a team
  2. Season 2
    • Website creation
    • Creation of NFT cards
    • Preparation of technical documentation
  3. Season 3
    • Launch of social media channels
    • Website launch
    • Development of smart-contracts
    • Smart-contracts audit
  4. Season 4
    • DBT token Airdrop
    • Mint NFT
    • Listing to Сoingeco
    • Listing to Сoinmarketcap
  5. Season 5
    • DBT token presale
    • Listing to Dex
    • DBT token mining in game
    • Listing to Latoken
  6. Season 6
    • Development, audit and launch of your own NFT marketplace
    • Development, audit and launch of our own DEX exchange
    • Game development
    • Alpha game release
  7. Season 7
    • Creation of new game locations, mechanics and activities
    • Development of a version of the game for AR
    • Creation of SDK and API for the implementation of the Golem Ecosystem

Frequently asked questions

Still have questions?       Explore our whitepaper


We are a multicultural team of crypto enthusiasts and practicing IT specialists with many years of experience in creating startups and computer games.

Each of us is a dreamer who wants to recreate a new reality in the world of Digital Golems. We can't live without achieving more and more new goals, and now it's crypto economics and game design. Our extensive experience in the gaming industry, experience in product development, starting with design and ending with the final stages of testing, helps us in this.

We are actively working to expand our team of professionals in the field of games, communications, design and marketing.

Today we have outstanding resources and have an impeccable reputation. Our team has a long-term vision, a clear understanding of what heights the game can reach. Our specialists can make reliable forecasts, as they have experience in creating successful projects based on blockchain technology and have also worked in the best financial and consulting organizations. Digital Golems is not a game made by single person. This is the result of the work of many talented specialists who have worked through the universe of Golems to the smallest detail. You can chat with the founders on our Discord and Twitter (links are available in footer of page).

Company information

The information provided does not in any way constitute a recommendation as to whether you should invest in any product in question.
The Digital Golems team is not responsible for any loss caused to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material provided or published.
DIG is not a security under the financial laws of the United States, Europe, United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus or any other legislation.
The information shown on this page does not recommend that you buy or sell any of the discussed products, tokens or coins. Buying and selling tokens is inherently risky and the authors of this website do not take any responsibility for any losses that may arise from buying and selling tokens. Check your local rules and laws before buying cryptocurrency.