
Digital Golems game specifications and development process

The DIGame is developed on modern engines and popular technology libraries, which allow to implement the declared functionality in the best display of multiple platforms.

Game engine

The project uses the Unity game engine, all code in the project is written in C#. Unity is responsible for rendering, positioning, importing models and other functionality.

To implement the multiplayer component of the game, we use all the advantages of the Photon framework. For the network part, a PC with a domain and a certificate and an authoritative server are used.

An authoritarian server eliminates the possibility for any users to deceive or hack the system in any way. All movements and actions in the game are calculated by a cloud-based authoritarian server.

To optimize the loading of the variable landscape, we created a map that consists of chunks, each of which is loaded when the player approaches, and when changes are dictated by the server.

For spheres movement, we developed a separate mathematical logic, the pattern of which cannot be calculated.

The players module moves using kinematics that takes into account the physics of movement.

Interpolation is used for camera and player movement.

Spheres are captured when a sphere collides with a trap, both using a single collision layer dedicated only to them.

The game supports different input types (touchscreen/gamepad/keyboard).

* Final specs to be finalized by game launch

Development stages of DIGame

We work openly and provide all interested members of our community with full information about the development of the game. Subscribe to our social channels to stay tuned on development diary updates.

  • Stage 1

    Created project with GLES2 video driver

    Implemented cross-platform character controller (virtual buttons/gamepad for smartphones and keyboard/mouse for PC)

    Implementation of the interface of the game

    The first iteration of the black and desert location has been added

    Claw - pits are added to the location of the desert

    Added lighting rendering to the map, suitable for browser restrictions

    Adding module movement mechanics and working with its light rays

    January 2022

  • Stage 2

    Adding registration and authorization functionality

    Multiplayer implementation

    Added traps

    Added first versions of psychospheres

    Added basic consumable items logic

    Adding snares mechanics

    Added batteries for module lighting

    Adding mechanics and models of baits for psychospheres

    A module corruption state has been added. The module can be damaged due to various factors, respectively, it will lose its durability when it gets into a cloud of acid or takes damage from hostile creatures

    New hostile environments have been added to the map. A poisonous gas that damages the module. A white noise zone that creates clutter on the minimap.

    New consumable items have been added - Torches that allow you to set stationary light sources on the map

    March 2022

  • Stage 3

    A cell hold has been added (inventory). Items can be moved, sorted and thrown out of the hold

    Consumable boosters have been added, unlike consumable items - boosters can be found directly during the game session, but have a temporary effect. Eye - temporarily increases the area of the minimap Spark - temporary illumination of the entire playing field (useful when used in conjunction with a compass, allows you to fully see the psycho-spheres) Berry - temporarily increases module speed Bone powder - temporarily gives all boosts that are higher Yellow mushrooms - temporary invisibility for other users Reusing boosters increases their duration

    The first mined resources have been added. The player can extract a resource from the raw materials that he found on the map

    Map decorations

    September 2022

  • Stage 4

    The first NPCs were added - Automodules. Chaotically move around the map, when destroyed, resources (energy cells) fall out of them

    The ability to shoot from the module has been added

    The first destructible items have been added Barrel. When it is destroyed, energy cells fall out of it, often 2 times more than from automodules

    Taught aggressive zones (anomalies) to move around the map

    Adding giant map objects and logic for interacting with it

    Added additional types of modules

    February 2023

  • Stage 5

    The ability to repair the module has been added

    The walls around the edges of the map have been replaced. Now leaving the map for a certain distance - the player will desynchronize and the session ends

    An interference sensor has been added, it displays which anomaly the player is in

    NPCs related to fauna have been added

    Adding alien ruins on the map and the logic of their interaction with the player

    Adding stationary barriers

    April 2023

  • Stage 6

    Adding Map Geometry

    Adding Irresistible Environments to the Map

    Adding Starter Kits

    Adding extensions (augmentations) for the module

    Implementation of the functionality of the built-in protection systems of the module

    Implementation of the functionality of hacking objects on the map to pass closed areas on the map

    Adding large objects on the map

    Adding Map Layers

    Added functionality for changing the landscape by users themselves. As well as equipment for cleaning the terramorpher.

    September 2023

  • Stage 7

    Creating a start page and player menu with settings Adding non-purchasable resources

    December 2023

  • Stage 8

    Adding mining ore bound to Digibytes

    Adding expandings for module's cago hold

    Ore mining through layer-by-layer geoprospecting

    Mining ore through blasting with timer

    Adding the functionality of parasites in ore

    Creation of functionality for resource extraction through mining rigs and their group networks

    Implementation of the functionality of renting hunting grounds

    Introducing new game items: Terraforming Emitters

    Expansion of special map mechanics

    Adding New Map Environments

    Up to go

  • Stage 9

    Expanding the characteristics of playable characters

    Implementation of the laboratory section for interaction with character characteristics

    Adding Substratum functionality. Environment / soil / substrate - the soil in which the psychosphere was caught. After capturing each psychosphere, adds 25% of the amount of substrate needed to craft the card to inventory.

    Adding Golem Feeding Mechanics to the Lab

    Implementation of conservation mechanics for golems to increase their stats

    Adding objects to the map that are collected upon contact

    Adding construction functionality

    Up to go

  • Stage 10

    Creating the functionality of in-game chats

    Implementation of Signals functionality for communication between players over the network

    Up to go

  • Stage 11

    Creation of duels functionality. Users can fight among themselves in a special section of the game.

    Implementation of an in-game rating of players with a built-in bonus system.

    Up to go

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